BATAINDIA 1330 CE CALL indicators chart analysis Bata India Limited options price chart strike 1330 CALL
Options premium and indicators chart analysis for BATAINDIA 1330 CE CALL indicators chart analysis Bata India Limited options price chart strike 1330 CALL
Bata India Limited BATAINDIA trades in NSE under Footwear NSE
Premium of BATAINDIA 1330 CALL CE Nov 28 2024
Premium of CALL (CE) of strike 1330 is at: 26.45 on 08 Nov 2024
CALL opened at 29.50 and traded inside a Low-High range of 25.65-35.45
as on 08 Fri Nov 2024
The underlying equity is trading at 1331.50 which means that CALL of strike 1330 is ATM CALL option (at the money)
Lot size of BATAINDIA Bata India Limited is 275
Total Open Interest for CALL (CE) of strike 1330 is 52,500
Munafa analysis BATAINDIA 1330 CE might not be profitable for buyers to buy this CALL, but this could be a good opportunity for sellers to make a quick profit.
Price action analysis of 1330 CALL based on a short term time period is definitely negative. This means that there is a strong downtrend in the stock for given time period. Sellers are extremely active on this stock.
Price action analysis of 1330 CALL based on a short term time period is definitely negative. This means that there is a strong downtrend in the stock for given time period. Sellers are extremely active on this stock.
Indicators are giving a sell signal for buyers, but an entry signal is generated by indicators for sellers of 1330 CALL of Bata India Limited
Click here to view most profitable CE and PE for Bata India Limited, both for buyers and sellers | BATAINDIA Most Active Call Put Options
Date | Underlying price | CE price | CE open | CE high | CE low | CE volume | CE OI | OI Change |
08 Fri Nov | 1331.50 | 26.45 | 29.50 | 35.45 | 25.65 | -10 | 14,437,500 | 6.1% |
07 Thu Nov | 1336.30 | 29.45 | 39.00 | 40.05 | 26.05 | -30 | 13,612,500 | 16.8% |
06 Wed Nov | 1340.05 | 42.65 | 45.90 | 56.35 | 42.65 | -10 | 11,653,125 | -1.7% |
05 Tue Nov | 1358.40 | 47.45 | 27.70 | 49.20 | 20.70 | 12 | 11,859,375 | 144.7% |
04 Mon Nov | 1356.10 | 42.15 | 50.45 | 50.45 | 39.40 | -20 | 4,846,875 | 422.2% |
01 Fri Nov | 1336.40 | 53.25 | 54.00 | 54.60 | 51.50 | -10 | 928,125 | 28.6% |