Stock analysis Ntpc Green Energy Limited NTPCGREEN
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Technical analysis forecast for Ntpc Green Energy Limited Stock is that its in a downtrend for shortterm, and I will avoid taking a BUY or a LONG trade in this stock. Look for opportunities to sell or SHORT Ntpc Green Energy Limited NTPCGREEN at this time. Stock is falling and might fall more.
It appears as if Ntpc Green Energy Limited NTPCGREEN gave a large move recently.
Stock of Ntpc Green Energy Limited (NTPCGREEN) is trading below an important moving average line, but it crossed this line recently, which means that it could show a small or a large recovery soon enough depending on its trend.
My analysis of Ntpc Green Energy Limited is bearish for shortterm, but trade for tomorrow is selective. Take a sell trade only if Ntpc Green Energy Limited stays below 129.5, but if it comes above 129.5, then a intra day buy could be more profitable.
If you take a sell trade below 129.5, then use 129.5 as stoploss and 121.1 as target. However if you take a buy trade in Ntpc Green Energy Limited, then use 129.5 as stoploss and 136.4 as target.
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